Sunday, February 27, 2011

Next Up Jordan Williams and the Maryland Terps

Finally!!! Greivis Vasquezis GONE!  Believe it or not, but Maryland has won four of the last five times they matched up with the Tar Heels.  Damn Gary Williams, arguably the best X and Os coach in the ACC.  Tonight's match up comes against a surging Terp team that is playing with renewed confidence after two straight home wins with a new freshman starting PG.  Sound familiar?  However, the road has been more difficult for the Turtles, so lets hope that trend continues. 

I know that Jordan Williams got the headline and he should because he is the key to turtle power.  They will feed him in the post early and often, but I like our chances in those head-to-head match ups.  Jordan Williams is going to have a long day with the double team coming from Butter and Henson waiting to build on his shot blocking stats.  Personally, I believe the X-factor in this game for the Terps is going to be freshman Terrell Stogin.  Over his last five games, Stogin is averaging 19.2 points with 6 assists on 2.4 turnovers.  These numbers are significantly higher than his season averages, so he is playing at a high level at this point in the season.  The reason I think he is the X-factor is because he should be the direct beneficiary of the Jordan Williams double team.  He should get some open looks and is 7 of 13 beyond the arc over those same last five games.  The Tar Heels strength is its defense this year, but Tar Heel fans are well aware of the success that opposing guards have against them.  With Stogin hitting better than 50% beyond the arc, he might have a big day.

I Know Its a Team Game, But Whats the Point of a Blog If I Can't Conduct Arbitrary Analysis to Support My Point

Kendall Marshall vs. 
Terrell Stogin 
Advantage Tar Heels.  Don't be ridiculous.  Just because I say a couple of nice things about Stogin does not mean that he is a better point guard than Butter.  It does not matter how well he has played lately.  Didn't you notice the name of the blog.  Fun fact.  Butter needs 6 assists to become the ACC assist leader.  Not bad for a freshman that has only started 10 games.

Dexter Strickland vs. Sean Mosley
Advantage Tar Heels.  This is an interesting match up because both players are underrated for what they do for their team.  They are both Mr. Intangible. Dex's speed and defense are the difference makers in his game.  Without Dex, the Heels would not have as many Ws this year.  

Harrison Barnes vs. Cliff Tucker
Do I even have to write it?  Tucker played 12 minutes in the Terps last game against FSU.  The Black Falcon is 100% predator and Cliff Tucker Must Die.  Yeah.  I did and I don't care.  I referenced a Tweener movie that I have never seen because I am awesome.  And just like it would be a long 2 hrs watching that crappy movie, it is going to be a long 2 hrs for Tucker either making his guest appearance on Barnes' highlight reel or from the bench watching with a front row seat what most have to see on TV.

John Henson vs. Dino Gregory
Advantage Tar Heels.  Just ask C.J. Leslie why the Tar Heels have the advantage here.  I'm sure C.J. will mumble some inarticulate string of incomplete sentences peppered with more obscenities than verbs.  Gregory went 6-10 at FSU. I'd bet he does not get ten shots, including free throws, and definitely does not shoot 60%.  I kind of feel bad for Gregory . . . .  I'm just messing with you.  Send in the next victim.  Gregory should know Dinos don't last in the ACC.  Just ask Dino Gaudio.

Tyler Zeller vs. Jordan Williams
Advantage Tar Heels.  If there was going to be one match up that favored Maryland, this would have been the one, but it is not.  Why?  Because the basis of the analysis for this match up is not based on basketball.  It focuses on smarts in the classroom.  Zeller is an Academic All-American and a business major.  Not a lot of crip classes in the McColl building unlike, oh I don't know, the Criminal Justice department.  What you got Jordan Williams?  That's what I thought.  For the record, Zeller has the edge on the court too, but had to give him a shout out for his work with his academics.

Now, wasn't that fun!  Reports are that Tar Heel team confidence is very high after a few days of great practices with great shooting.  I am hoping it carries over to game time.  If it does, there is not a team in college basketball better than the Tar Heels.  As I said earlier, the Terps have struggled on the road and there is no place like home for the Tar Heels.  I would like to see the Heels get off to a fast start and cut the Terp's heart out like Magua in The Last of the Mohicans.  The Heels win 82-70.


I told you he was a high and I mean HIGH functioning sociopath.  
Just ask Lorenzo Brown.  

I've been traveling and could not find the time for a post-game post, but had to share the picture that illustrates how subservient NC State is against UNC and Roy Williams.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this one is best summed up in three words to me.  Sixteen and one.  As in Roy Williams and UNC is is 16-1 against NC State since Roy came home to Chapel Hill.  'Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reviewing Not Our Rival

What can you say about NC State that has not already been said.  There comes a time when it is just piling on.  Seriously.  By all accounts, Sidney Lowe is a great guy and I feel for him.  There is no disputing the fact that he loves his alma mater.  He took the job after the wildly unpopular Herb Sendek left for ASU.  What did Sendek do wrong? Sendek took NC State to five consecutive NCAA tournaments in his final five seasons at N.C. State and finished fourth on average in the ACC.  It is what Sendek did not do that vilified him in Raleigh.  He never won the ACC regular season nor the ACC Tournament.  Sendek did not play an exciting brand of basketball.  Sendek had a system and it worked.  It is a slow system that values the basketball and defense.  The antithesis of Roy Williams' run-and-gun tempo.  Sendek did win, he did get into the big dance, and he did give you a chance to compete for a ACC title, but that was not enough.   Enter Sidney Lowe.

Sidney Lowe took on an almost impossible situation, despite what NC State fans say.  It is difficult to compete with UNC and dook, especially on the recruiting trail.  There is just too much going against NC State in this A.D.D. society with no appreciation for State's rich basketball history, but Sidney Lowe accepted the challenge.  Six years later he is 24-52 in the ACC and the closest NC State has gotten to the NCAA tournament is the championship game of the ACC tournament.  Now, Sidney Lowe's head is being called for from every corner of Pack Pride.  This was supposed to be the year, but they are mired in unrealized expectations.  There is no doubt in my mind that the basketball season is better when everyone on Tobacco Road is a contender, but it has been a long time since that was the case.  So as we look to the future with the hope that the overall prowess of the league improves, the question is who replaces him?

NC State would appear to be an attractive job on the surface.  Great facilities, great pay, high profile position in a premier basketball conference with the building blocks necessary to be competitive, e.g. Ryan Harrow, Lorenzo Brown, maybe CJ Leslie are all talented freshman.  NC State has a nice recruiting class coming in with Tyler Harris and Joseph Uchebo.  However, I am certain that it will be a difficult position to fill.  With a rabid and unreasonable fan base with unrealistic expectations given the current circumstance, this will remain to be a coaching situation in flux.  The revolving door will continue to usher in promise and spit out dejected, broken coaches.  NC State will continue to be a weakness for the ACC so long as there is not any continuity in Raleigh.  

So by now you must be asking yourself, what about the game tonight?  I have one number for you:  131.  One hundred thirty-one is NC State's defensive efficiency ranking according to Pomeroy.  The only thing NC State does well defensively is guard the three.  How does that help them against the Heels?  The Heels have won despite anemic three point shooting.  So then the question becomes, can NC State out score UNC without playing defense.  Not likely.  UNC has an offensive efficiency that ranks at fifty-seven despite struggles shooting. More impressively, UNC is fourth in defensive efficiency nationally.  Who would have thought?  Still, it is a contentious match up due to proximity and the NC State fan base's general hatred for all things Carolina.  While the RBC Center will surely be rocking, I was there this summer at the NC Pro-AM when team Tar Heel destroyed team Wolpfack and there again in the Dean Dome when it just appeared to be a continuation of this summer.  The psychological damage is done and they have a dejected, broken coach leading the charge.  The Tar Heels are favored by five and a half.  I would take the over, especially with no Howell.  The Heels' interior size and length will be too much for Ryan Harrow and Lorenzo Brown to overcome by themselves (since Tracy Smith and CJ Leslie will struggle to do much offensively).

I am taking the Tar Heels 82-59 and Reggie Bullock bounces back against NC State based on his previous performances against their personnel.

Speaking of the NC Pro-Am.  For those of you that don't know, watch this and tell me if you can see better basketball live and in person for free.

Yeah.  It is great to live on Tobacco Road for reasons other than the weather and the golf.

There is another potentially interesting game tonight over in Durham.  The 24th ranked Temple Owls are visiting Hansbrough Indoor Stadium (HIS) to take on the Blue Devils.  I doubt Coach K expected to face a ranked opponent when he scheduled this one.  However, the Owls lost their starting center for the season during their last game and they are playing in HIS.  The Cameron Crazies will make this a one-sided affair as dook runs away with the victory, so don't get your hopes up for an upset. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Black Falcon is a High Functioning Sociopath

A sociopath may dominate or humiliate their victim while demonstrating a lack of remorse, shame or guilt. The end always justifies the means and they don't let anything stand in their way.

Harrison Barne's cold, calculated thought process, insert thought-bubble:
"Oh check this out.
This guy wants to guard me?
I think he might have grown up a UNC fan, but he is not on my team.
Not good enough.
And he thinks he can guard me.
Bet I can make him dance a little with a couple of jab steps.
This is going to be easy.
Well, I better at least pretend to be challenged and not bored.
Alright Z, thanks . . . but no thanks for the screen.
Better idea, Z. Roll to the basket.
NO WAY. No help defense. Don't they know who I am?
Jennings that is too little, too late.
I'm going to dominate you at the rim on my way to ESPN's Top 10.
Que the music, Dunna Dunna.
Was that his face in my armpit?
Just like the Old Spice Commerical.
'Look down, look up. Where are you?'
Flat on your back in your own house with my armpit sweat all over your face.
How embarrassing for you.
Man, YouTube is going to love this."

The Black Falcon is 100% predator.

MARSHAL LAW: When I Knew Marshall Was Going to Butter A Lot of Biscuits

And his name is KENDALL MARSHALL, aka BUTTER.  It is only appropriate to pay homage to the freshman record setting point guard of the greatest college basketball program in the history of the world when he is, in fact, the inspiration for the name of the blog you are currently reading.  If you are unfamiliar with the contemporary tradition of the Tar Heels, Biscuits refers to the scoring of more than 100 points by the prolific offense that calls the Dean Dome home. After all, Coach Williams knows "scoring is fun."  With Kendall Marshall at the point, we are all going to need to hit the gym a little more often and maybe sell off our Bojangles stock because they are going to be moving some discounted sausage biscuits over the next few years.

Against Florida State, Butter put the country on notice that Marshall Law is in effect.  If a team is visiting Chapel Hill, they must be willing to be embarrassed under the majesty that is the Dean Dome Rafters (that's right Rafters is capitalized) and are complicit enablers to my addiction of Bojangle BISCUITS.  Order will be restored to the ACC and come tournament time no one will want to see the name North Carolina emblazoned across John Henson's chest inside the tip-off circle.  Even the dookies are openly concerned about the next few seasons with Kendall buttering the bread in ole Roy's high octane offense.  Lets get out in front of this from the gate, I hate dook.  Absolutely HATE them.  My Dad went there and he is kind of a douchy-elitist.  However, I still respect their program, their history, and most of their knowledgeable fans.  Note that a knowledgeable dook fan does not include someone that is in no way associated with or connected to dook university in even the most remote way and splits their fandom between dook basketball and another school for a different sport, typically Wolpfack (intentional misspelling by me but not . . . my typo) football.  With this disclaimer out of the way, allow me to quote McRoberts from the Devil's Den, "[d]ude is going to be a massive pain in the butt his entire career. His instincts are off the charts."  Butter is dropping dimes and racking up Ws. We are coming for you Kentucky.  BUTTER THOSE BISCUITS!!!