Butter Biscuits - The Name Explained

This is the original first post and will explain the impetus of the blog name.

And his name is KENDALL MARSHALL, aka BUTTER.  It is only appropriate to pay homage to the freshman record setting point guard of the greatest college basketball program in the history of the world when he is, in fact, the inspiration for the name of the blog you are currently reading.  If you are unfamiliar with the contemporary tradition of the Tar Heels, Biscuits refers to the scoring of more than 100 points by the prolific offense that calls the Dean Dome home. After all, Coach Williams knows "scoring is fun."  With Kendall Marshall at the point, we are all going to need to hit the gym a little more often and maybe sell off our Bojangles stock because they are going to be moving some discounted sausage biscuits over the next few years.

Against Florida State, Butter put the country on notice that Marshall Law is in effect.  If a team is visiting Chapel Hill, they must be willing to be embarrassed under the majesty that is the Dean Dome Rafters (that's right Rafters is capitalized) and are complicit enablers to my addiction of Bojangle BISCUITS.  Order will be restored to the ACC and come tournament time no one will want to see the name North Carolina emblazoned across John Henson's chest inside the tip-off circle.  Even the dookies are openly concerned about the next few seasons with Kendall buttering the bread in ole Roy's high octane offense.  Lets get out in front of this from the gate, I hate dook.  Absolutely HATE them.  My Dad went there and he is kind of a douchy-elitist.  However, I still respect their program, their history, and most of their knowledgeable fans.  Note that a knowledgeable dook fan does not include someone that is in no way associated with or connected to dook university in even the most remote way and splits their fandom between dook basketball and another school for a different sport, typically Wolpfack (intentional misspelling by me but not . . . my typo) football.  With this disclaimer out of the way, allow me to quote McRoberts from the Devil's Den, "[d]ude is going to be a massive pain in the butt his entire career. His instincts are off the charts."  Butter is dropping dimes and racking up Ws. We are coming for you Kentucky.  BUTTER THOSE BISCUITS!!!