Monday, February 21, 2011

The Black Falcon is a High Functioning Sociopath

A sociopath may dominate or humiliate their victim while demonstrating a lack of remorse, shame or guilt. The end always justifies the means and they don't let anything stand in their way.

Harrison Barne's cold, calculated thought process, insert thought-bubble:
"Oh check this out.
This guy wants to guard me?
I think he might have grown up a UNC fan, but he is not on my team.
Not good enough.
And he thinks he can guard me.
Bet I can make him dance a little with a couple of jab steps.
This is going to be easy.
Well, I better at least pretend to be challenged and not bored.
Alright Z, thanks . . . but no thanks for the screen.
Better idea, Z. Roll to the basket.
NO WAY. No help defense. Don't they know who I am?
Jennings that is too little, too late.
I'm going to dominate you at the rim on my way to ESPN's Top 10.
Que the music, Dunna Dunna.
Was that his face in my armpit?
Just like the Old Spice Commerical.
'Look down, look up. Where are you?'
Flat on your back in your own house with my armpit sweat all over your face.
How embarrassing for you.
Man, YouTube is going to love this."

The Black Falcon is 100% predator.

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