Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The NCAA Light At the End of the Tunnel

Fuck You.  Fuck You.
Fuck You. You're Cool.  Fuck You.
I'm Out

Do me a favor.  Go ahead and hit that replay button.  Finally, we are going to be able to put all this bullshit from the last year and the NCAA behinds us.  The Letter Of Intent (LOI) was received yesterday and sources say that we can expect the Letter Of Allegations (LOA) by the end of the week.  I don't want to fall into a diatribe about the NCAA, but the receipt of a Letter of Intent as in we, the NCAA, intend to investigate you, UNC, because of potential rules violations.  Yeah.  That is the letter we received today after a YEAR!!!  This just in.  Sending us a letter a year later defeats the fucking purpose of NOTICE.  Quick history lesson.  Why do you have the right to a speedy trial?  Answer.  When the colonies were under the rule of the crown, people would be arrest and imprisoned indefinitely without a trial or formal charges being levied.  Taxes aren't the only reason people said "FUCK THIS!  There has to be a better way" if you know what I am saying . . . .  But, I digress.

FUCK YOU!  FUCK YOU!  FUCK YOU!  You're cool.  FUCK YOU!  So here is the skinny.  We are expecting to finally receive our LOA.  With the prolonged process, the word on the street is that the administration has a good idea of what is coming and it isn't bad.  There will be nine violations that include a failure to monitor for Chris Hawkins and the tudor.  For those of you that don't know, Chris Hawkins was Fast Willie Parker's roommate at Carolina before he got kicked off the team.  Now he is just your general run of the mill bottom-feeding, hanger-on that lives with Willie just outside of Chapel Hill.  There are questions as to whether there will be a failure to monitor violation over John Blake.  Irregardless, the light is at the end of the tunnel.

At UNC, we have principals.  We stand for integrity, education, and winning the right way.  And you know what,

All we do is win, win.  NO MATTER WHAT!

Yeah.  WINNING. DUH.  Sorry.  I am getting carried away with the videos.  Where was I?  Oh yeah.  Word around the water cooler is that we are probably looking at a few years of probation and a loss of 2-4 schollies over a two year period.  In reality, the loss of scholarships is not that big of a deal.  We have played with fewer over each of the last two years.  Unfortunately, we may have to vacate some wins, but all things considered, this is a fair and reasonable outcome.

The real damage was done last year when we lost or held out so many players.  "The best team that never was."  Could have been a special season . . . .

So at this point you should be asking yourself, "Self. who are we fucking?"  Well, I will tell you.  We are fucking a few teams and those teams are on our 2011 schedule.  In adversity, you find truth.  You will notice that there are four fuck yous (that looks ridiculous but really how do you plural you when it is singular by nature - these are the things I ask myself).  You know the usual suspects get one.  Thank you NC State.  The only thing that can match the epic failure that is the Wolpfack athletics department would be the fan base's hatred for UNC.  Kind of pathetic.  And oh yeah, only one school has received a "loss of institutional control" tag and it isn't UNC.  The next one goes to VT.  We are kicking their ass on the recruiting trail, especially in Virginia, and Beamer knows his time on top of the Coastal division is almost over.  UNC is on the come up and there is no place for dickless turkeys (world's worst mascot - stupid and dickless is no way to go through life) in the ACC Championship game.

That leaves the last two fuck yous.  The first goes to the media.  Not all of the media.  No.  Some media members like to fill voids of fact with questions that imply fact, but is nothing more than conjecture and speculation.  Who needs to do extra work like fact checking or research when all you have to do to fill out your story and have a nice "if it bleeds, it leds" headline is posit questions that infer the worst as a representation of fact?  What is the worst that could happen?

I'll tell you.  (1)  I literally almost get into a fist fight with a State fan outside a Carolina football game.  Seriously, why was he there and why did he think he could talk shit with no one checking him on it.  Fact!  Don't get loud with me if you don't know me.  I am not the one.  (2) A coach can have a staffer or intern collect those stories that aren't concerned with fact and postulate the demise of an upcoming national football powerhouse (that's right!) through the worst NCAA sanctions since SMU.  Collect those newspaper articles and write ups and put them in a binder.  Multiple binders.  A binder for each recruit that is considering UNC and that coach's team.  And give them to those recruits.  Now, I expect those type of things out of Raleigh or Blacksburg.  Fact - both Tom O'Brian and Frank Beamer took advantage of our adversity and were doing their best to poison the hearts and minds of several of our recruits last year.  The one I didn't expect was Rutgers.  I always had a high opinion of Greg Schiano until last year.  For some background, I will reprint an exert from a article published on Sept. 4, 2008.
When Greg Schiano looks across the sidelines next Thursday, he'll see the man who taught him how to be a head coach - Butch Davis.
Davis, now the head coach at the University of North Carolina, took a young Schiano under his wing when he arrived at the University of Miami in 1999. He included the fresh-faced defensive coordinator in areas that he might not have been, had Schiano been with another program. 
"He's one of my best friends in coaching," Schiano said. "He's meant a ton to me. Every stop along the way I was very blessed to have great people that I worked for. And at that time in my career, Butch gave me the opportunity to learn how to be a head coach.
"He involved me in things that usually a defensive coordinator wasn't involved in. He taught me a lot - which I'm forever indebted."
"We were close too," he said. "We kind of see things the same way, in life and football and family. I really enjoyed it. That was one of the hardest parts about leaving Miami, was leaving him."

In adversity, you find the truth and the truth is I don't want Schiano owing me shit if that is how he repays "forever indebtedness."  Last year, Schiano's seat was starting to get warm.  In 2009, Rutgers finished 9-4, which looks good on paper.  On inspection, it was a soft schedule and the Scarlet Knights only went 3-4 in a weak Big East conference.  Then last year, the wheels fell off as Rutgers went 4-8.  Schiano could hear the whispers and feel the heat.  In adversity, you find the truth.  The truth is Schiano made a binder that he had to of known was full of lies and used it against a man who put him in a position to be a head coach.  You always hear about family from Rutgers's staff.  I just wonder how they define it?  If the way Schiano approached the adversity we were facing with Butch Davis is any indication, I would tend to think he uses Jerry Springer as the model.  Butch is a "best friend" and "mentor" who has a tremendous amount of respect in coaching circles because of his fortitude and integrity and Schiano forsakes all of that to try to win a couple of recruiting battles.  Well, FUCK YOU and your binders.  Not going to be able to use those this year.

Yeah.  That kind of FUCK YOU.

What?  You thought it would be a big fuck you to the NCAA?  Naw.  Mistakes were made.  I feared the Tarkanian quote, "the NCAA is so mad at Kentucky, it will probably slap another two years' probation on Cleveland State."  With Auburn and everything else, I was afraid of a heavy handed ruling despite our complete cooperation.  If the outcome is what the guys that are rarely wrong are saying, we are in good shape and the NCAA will have gotten it right.

Beside, if they are looking to make an example, OSU just laid it out for them.

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