Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pressure Busts Pipes

YouTube Song of the Day

Jay Z & Mya - Best of Me

You see what I did there.  Mya and Jay Z are rocking the Carolina jerseys and I tied it together with the name of the post as one of Jay Z's lyrics is pressure busts pipes.  Yeah, I know.  I am fucking clever

Pressure Busts Pipes

This Tar Heel defense is soft.  The players aren't soft.  In fact, the players will bust your ass and lay you out.  How about a demonstration from Mr. Charles Brown:

Yeah.  It is not the players that are soft.  It is the scheme and it is killing us softly.

After watching the Miami game again, I got madder and madder.  We are wasting the strength of our defense playing a soft cover zone.  If you look at Jacory Harris's numbers, they are misleading because I doubt more than ten passes traveled farther than four yards beyond the line of scrimmage.  Why?  Because our DBs were playing off about ten yards off the line of scrimmage!  If you were an offensive coordinator, why wouldn't you throw bubble screens and pick up a minimum of four yards a clip until they stop you.  FUCK!

According to Withers,
“It’s about playing fundamental football.  Knowing that some of those guys that are like Sammy Watkins are going to make some plays, you just hope they don’t hurt you with big plays. Early in the game [against Miami], Travis Benjamin caught a couple of bubble passes and everybody in the crowd goes, ‘Ooohhh, ahhh.’ Well, I’d rather for them to be catching the bubble passes than the 60-yard bombs down the field. We can tackle those and live to another day.”
Not good enough!  Period.  How did those drives early in the fucking game turn out?  I'll give you a fucking hint.  There weren't any punts or turnovers!

Pressure busts pipes, not soft cover zones that allow the quarterback to sit back and wait for a receiver to find a soft spot in the zone.  Our defensive scheme is soft.  Worse yet, it is fucking predictable.  I am tired of watching the chains move on third and long because the opposing QB knows he is going to get a clean look to make a clean throw behind max protect against a three man defensive front that isn't going to bring any exotic pressure so he will have more than ample time to wait for a WR to come open.  I'll take the big plays.   Especially if they are low percentage throws like that Travis Benjamin TD that was an over the shoulder catch over Jabari Price on a short drag route that Benjamin curled up along the sideline in the second quarter.  Price had pretty good coverage, but it was a quality throw.  A quality throw not made under duress.  

I mentioned the strength of our defense.  You know who recognizes the strength of our defense.  Dabo FUCKING Swinney!
"Their (defensive) front four, all of them guys will play on Sunday, and a couple of the backups, too." 
Yeah.  So TURN UP THE FUCKING HEAT!  We see a lot of max protect and there is a reason.  Our front four is nothing to fuck with but I don't give a fuck because we are not capitalizing on that advantage!  Have our corners play bump-and-run coverage and bring the house on every fucking down.  If they keep seven in for protection, we bring eight.  I am tired of seeing Coples double teamed and teams not paying the price for taking a player out of the pattern.  You know what happens when Coples has an offensive lineman isolated in one-on-one?  Good fucking things for Tar Heels.  You know what happens when you overload a zone and bring more defenders than blockers and you have a front four like we have?  I don't fucking either and I am pretty FUCKING pissed off that I don't!

Let me repeat.  FUCKING BRING THE DAMN HEAT!  Don't scheme not to loose.  Scheme to take their fucking lives!

Against Miami, we came out prepared to stop Lamar Miller and we did.  Unfortunately, we did not come out prepared to put pressure on Jacory Harris, who has showed that he will make bad decisions under duress. 

Hey Coach Withers, the time to be conservative has passed.  If you don't think Sammy Watkins doesn't have the capability to take a bubble screen to the house, you haven't watched the same Clemson team I have. We have two losses in the Coastal because we played not to loose.  I am tired of being that team that looses by less than a touchdown.  When you scheme not to loose, you scheme not to win either.  Bubba Cunningham is looking to bring in an explosive, high scoring offense.  Withers needs to put the foot on the gas on both offense and defense.  High risk, high reward.  We have the personnel to be successful if he lets them play in a scheme to be excited about.  We have incredible team speed.  Use it.  Now is the time!  If you want to create some energy because our guys are coming out flat, give them something to be excited about.  If you want the crowd to be energized, give them something get fired up about!  FUCK!  Coach like you want this fucking job.  Bubba ain't fucking around.  He is looking to market this program with an exciting brand of football.  8-5 records with close wins and closer losses ain't going to get it done, especially when it is plodding football.  I mean, do I have to say it one more time?

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