Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Day After Maryland

Where to start?  Where to start?  Obviously, you go in order of importance.  I guess this is just one of those situations where you just can't go wrong in recognizing what is most important, so . . .

Happy Birthday, Coach Smith!!!


Coach Smith turns 80 today.  He is the father of Four Corners and the classiest coach to ever grace a clipboard.  Coach Smith defined and exemplifies the tradition that we love, the Carolina Way, so we should take a moment to celebrate his birthday.

Time to Grade'em Out
I went to law school, so I believe in grade normalization.  What do you believe in?  Everybody gets a trophy, anarchy, English comas, and kicking puppies.  I've got no use for people that think everyone gets a ribbon.  What the hell is a participation ribbon anyway?  On a 4.0 scale, the median player grade for each game will be between 3.0 and 2.75.  If you don't like grade normalization, don't apply to a real academic program.  If everyone gets an A, how valuable is that A?  If this hurts your sensibilities, may I suggest you try community college?

Kendall Marshall. Grade - 2.75     
This will give you an idea of how hard it is to grade when everyone plays well.  You find reasons why it wasn't so spectacular.  Despite a 10:1 assist:TO ratio if you factor out 3 TOs against 3 steals, Butter did not have his greatest defensive effort.  Stogin scored 28 on the game. However, Stogin was never able to really facilitate the Maryland offense consistently.  Maryland made its runs, but could not sustain offense for longer than those short spurts.  Can one man beat you if the game plan is to take away their best player in Jordan Williams . . . .  Yes, but Maryland didn't.  Still, I smell a personal rivalry brewing between Butter and Stogin.  I don't think Stogin's performance last night will sit well with Butter and Stogin obviously has some fire as he was wolfing with Henson.  Going to be fun to watch.

Dexter Strickland. Grade - 3.0
You know what happens when you go 0-6 from the field?  The News & Observer does not post any of your pictures on their website from the game.  Ridiculous Dex, I know. Weak.  Check him out in his pic.  I am just as confused. Strick is blossoming as a backup PG behind Butter.  Dex had 8 assists with 1 turnover.  I love it.  What I don't love is the shot selection sometimes.  Attack the basket, attack the basket, attack the basket, but don't force it.  Wink.  Dex should never settle for a jumper until he has attacked the basket.  Just saying.  Defensively, Dex allowed 11 pts on 5-8 shooting.  One way to look at that is to say his defensive responsibility shot 62.5%.  The other was to look at this is to say that his guy only got off 8 shots in 29 mins of play. I'll take the later because I am a positive person, so suck it.

Harrison Barnes.  Grade - 2.75
After a fast start, I thought for sure Barnes was going to get that elusive 4.0 curve buster, but it was not meant to be.  He found himself on the bench after what I assumed was a missed hustle play where he was caught ball watching instead of rebounding early in the first half.  After that, he cooled off significantly, shooting only 30% from 3 for the game.  Not strong. Worse if you consider he went 1-7 after his trip to the bench for lack of effort.  He also picked up 4 fouls, probably trying to make up for his previous passive play.  Roy demands effort!  I love it when you can give someone a 2.75 when he scores 21 pts with 6 rebs (5 offensive), 2 assists, 1 steal, and 2 TOs. Very Nice!

John Henson.  Grade - 3.0
What?  What?  Henson goes 6 for 6 from the free throw line and I give him 3.0 for the game.  Seriously.  Henson filled up the stat sheet in every way possible.  He had 15 rebounds (5 offensive), 2 assists to offset his 2 TOs, and 7 blocks.  Straight up BEAST mode.  And remember what I said about Dino Gregory in the last post.  Dude only had 4 points on 2-7 shooting.  Thanks for making me look good there, John.  Obviously, this was an above average performance, but only 30% from the field won't put you at the head of the class.  Need a little more efficiency than that Mr. Fantastic.

Tyler Zeller. Grade - 3.75
Big Z killed it Sunday night! Zeller has been playing with more of an edge than I ever remember from the past and I LIKE it.  He shot 63% from the field for 25 points.  He only had 6 rebounds.  However, with the way Henson is attacking the glass, I know Z is deferring to his more upwardly mobile teammate.  Afterall, Henson is Fantastic.  The only thing that concerns me about Z's performance was that he picked up two early fouls in the first half, again. This is starting to become a trend, but he is an Academic All-American and has played smart basketball when he does get into early foul trouble.  Still, it is the time of year when those kind of tendencies can cost a team significant minutes in critical games from a major contributor. 

Leslie McDonald. Grade 3.5 
Best play of the game for me came from McDonald.  Henson had over committed on a hedge screen right outside the lane.  The Maryland player cut to the basket for what should have been an easy lay up, but LMac recognized the play, got into position, and picked up the charge.  It was great help defense and that alone is almost enough to merit his 3.5. Almost.  We can't ignore his shooting and shot selection.  LMac has never met a shot he didn't like and, if he keeps shooting like that, we will go far in March.  Want to sit in a zone?  Go ahead.  LMac will make it W-ain . . . . Oh Yeah!  That's a Wayne Ellington reference.  LMac shot 60% from the field and 60% from 3.  We always knew he could shoot, but can he defend.  Recently, the answer is yes.  Defensively, LMac shut down his opposition, giving up only 3 pts on the game.  If we get consistent play like this from Leslie, we will be very dangerous for the rest of the year.  He is bound to get more time with Reggie on the mend.  Lets hope the additional time will keep him in rhythm. 
Justin Knox. Grade - 3.0
Yeah. I'd be smiling to big fella.  Justin Knox does exactly what we need him to do.  Be big, be tough, and execute.  In 12 mins, Knox had the Midas touch.  He scored 4 pts on 2-3 shooting with 2 rebs and 1 block.  However, there is always room for improvement and Knox didn't fare well from the charity strip, which is unusual for him. Doesn't change the fact that Knox is so money, baby!  Love that this guy is a Tarheel.  "Godsend!"

Reggie Bullock. Grade - 2.0
If you are in my presence and try to talk shit about Reggie Bullock, I will punch you in the face.  Repeatedly.  I decided last spring during the McDonald's All-American game that Bullock would be my favorite Tarheel during his time in Chapel Hill and that has not changed.  Kid bleeds Carolina blue and he will not be bad mouthed by anyone in my presence.  That said.  It was a poor showing and for good reason.  Rumors have it that Reggie is done for the year after re-injuring his knee.  That said, "no excuses, play like a champion." Therefore, he gets a bad grade.  His time will come and he will be special.  I hate that his knee has hampered him all year.  Get better Reggie.  Tarheel nation is pulling for you!

Justin Watts. Grade - 2.75
Seriously.  I hate Justin Watts in a "I'm just kidding, no really" kind of way.  He is a scholarship athlete at UNC so he is getting a great education for free while collecting some sweet hardware.  Roy loves him because he is a coach's player.  I could of been a coach's player.  Damn it.  I always want to grade him lower, but I can't.  Watts does exactly what is necessary.  You know why?  Because he is a coach's player. So with my fake animosity aside, Watts was very productive in limited minutes.  While he didn't score, he had 3 boards (1 offensive) and an assist in 8 mins.  Great production for what is expected of him.

Median player grade was 2.94. The Team grade is not included in normalization.

UNC Team. Grade - 3.5
Typically when you see great numbers and average grades, the team grade is going to be strong and that is the way it should be.  No individual is greater than the whole.  The guys played great and as a team.  All you need to know about the team's performance is 23 assists on 32 made field goals.

The only thing I would have liked to see is that Mortal Kombat "finish him" moment with lightning flashing and that demonic voice echoing through the soul of everyone dressed out including Blue Steel.  While our lead was comfortable for most of the game, I would have liked to see the guys land that hay-maker to put the game away and run up the score a little bit. 

Fake Post Game Interview with Gary Williams
Me: Hey Gary.  What did you think of the game?
Gary: Oh common.  What the fuck do you think I think?
Me: Gary.  I ask the questions.
Gary:  You little shit.  You are no coach's player.
Me: Damn Gary.  That's uncalled for.  You know I am sensitive about that.  (mumbles something inarticulate that sounds like it could be refering to Justin Watts)  Besides, I couldn't play for you.  I like to actually play basketball, not roll around holding my back.
Gary: You know I could drowned you in my sweat, right . . . . At half time, not even full game.  (see the pic below)
Me:  That's great.  You know I am a Tarheel, so I know how to box out and keep teams off the offensive glass . . . . 
Gary:  That's it.  Get your ass over here.

What you didn't know Gary had a dirty mouth?  Its true.  He does.  Filthy.  Not Coach K filthy, but close.

Seriously though.  I have a lot of respect for Glistening Gary Williams.  Say what you want about the Maryland fans in College Park.  Most of their nasty is reserved for dook, so I am pretty much okay with it, but their coach is solid!  His team always competes and plays with 100% heart.  His teams are an extension of himself and he is a fighter.  I've always liked Gary Williams and by extension the Terps, so long as they weren't playing the Heels.  With that in mind, this is how he finished his press conference following the loss to the Heels. “I would just like to say, ‘Congratulations to Coach Smith on his 80th birthday.  He’s one of the guys, when I was an assistant coach at Lafayette, I used to see him at camps or whatever in summertime, and he always had time to talk—not just to me, but to a lot of young coaches. So I think there’s a lot of coaches out there that all owe Coach Smith a great deal for what he did for the game and what he did for coaches.”  A gracious moment following a loss.

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