Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Tar Heel War Party is Invading Seminole Nation!

Dang it!  The rumors were true.  Deep down, I knew they would be and that is why I included them in my previous post.  Reggie Bullock is done for the season.  Love that kid and wish him a speedy recovery.  Expect big things next year from Bullock.  Big things!  Remembering the old axiom, what is life without laughter.  Well, I've got a tweet to share from that should do the trick:

About Reggie Bullock's rehab, there won't be any contrived "all-access" 
video productions as UNC prefers not to exploit players for PR gain.
Yeah.  That is only funny if you are aware of this:
Talk about shameless dookie self promotion.  I want to make more fun of it than I am, but I can't.  I embedded the video and clicked the link, so I am a guilty market participant.  Just another reason to hate dook.  Drawing me in and making me offend my own sensibilities in the name of ridicule. Stupid blue gypsies!

Back to the Heels.  With Reggie scheduled to undergo arthroscopic surgery in the near future to repair the lateral meniscus in his left knee, the Heels are down to 8 scholarship players.  8!  And that includes Justin Watts (see previous post).  The good news is that this team has already endured an unexpected loss and only grown stronger.  Drew who?  The bad news is that we are one injury away from significant minutes for Blue Steel.  As entertaining as those kids are, they know they belong at the end of the bench cracking jokes and cheering hard.  After all, they "live for warmups, blowouts and free gear."  With Reggie unavailable, the rotation gets much tighter and Leslie McDonald becomes the only viable G/F sub.  I expect to see his minutes jump up to close to 30 a game with Watts filling in minimally when necessary.  Believe it or not, I do not have a huge sense of foreboding.  McDonald has played well and Butter will keep the team together and focused.  And on the bright side, this is the exact time of year that you need to be tightening your rotation.
  Wheels are Down in Tallahassee 
This is a "don't look ahead" game for the Tar Heels.  You must respect your opponent.  It doesn't matter that you dropped 89 on the Seminoles three weeks ago in the Dean Dome, which happens to be the most points surrender by FSU all season.  This is a dangerous basketball team that plays great defense.  According to Pomeroy, FSU is fifth in the nation in adjusted defensive efficiency and second in effective FG%.  They are a long and hard nosed team playing with something to prove.  While they have their own injury issues (their star, Chris Singleton, is out with a broken foot, but expected back for the ACC Tournament), they have been a great team at home and have not lost in the Donald L. Tucker Center since November.  If you don't believe me, just ask a dook fan.  The thing about a great defensive team is that they always give themselves a chance.  Against dook, Derwin Kitchen had a career game and almost single-handedly invited the kids in the student section to rush the court because he led the Seminoles to an upset over a team prognosticators were openly questioning if they would go undefeated on the season.  Who loves a run-on sentence more than me? Answer, not many.  And, prognosticators are ridiculous!  Kitchen is playing great basketball and FSU has been more productive on the offensive end, so take nothing for granted. 

Realistically, UNC should win this game.  It won't be easy, but it is winnable.  I can't imagine this is a game that is going to sneak up on our guys.  FSU is in third place in the ACC and beat dook in the very building they are about to play in.  I am taking the Heels to cover the spread (1 point) and win 69-63.

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