Monday, March 28, 2011

We Are Elite

Last night was a tough loss!


Really, really tough!!!

However, lets not forget, WE ARE ELITE!!!  Not only are we elite, the future is bright!  Our boys have nothing to hang their heads about. 

A look at the box score tells the story.  The Cats went 12 for 22 from three for 54.5%, while going 27-56 from the field for 48.2%.  TWELVE threes.  It is difficult to beat any team that hits double-digit threes.  To put it in perspective, UK has hit double digit threes seven times this year against: ETSU (13-26, 50%), BU (10-16, 62.5%) WIN (12-22, 54.5%), AU (11-26, 42.3%), LSU (10-20, 50%), SCar (11-20, 55%) and UNC (12-22, 54.5).  Not including UNC, the average margin of victory in those games as 27.17 points for Kentucky.  We lost by 7 and that includes late game fouling.  We had a chance to win it, despite UK's advantage beyond the arc.  The most striking statistic in light of the three point shooting was that each team had 27 made field goals.  The difference in this game was that 12 of those made field goals were from three for Kentucky, while only 3 were from three for us.  Nothing to hang our head about.

Without Henson to defend the rim, we had to pinch down on drivers for help defense.  You don't give up lay ups, you force the other team to shoot a lower percentage shot.  Well, typically, a three is a lower percentage shot, but not last night.  Last night, Kentucky shot 54.5% from three and we had an opportunity to win it late in the game.  Why?  Because WE ARE ELITE!!!!!

Call It

First of all, I've read a lot of complaints about the officiating of the UK game on message boards.  Stop it!  Don't let us devolve into that fan base.  In my opinion, it was a very poorly officiated game and I will be very surprised to see any of these officials in the Final Four.  However, the officials did not beat us.  Kentucky did.  Kentucky played very well and we should acknowledge that in defeat and not blame the loss on the officiating.

With that said, I would like to point out three key calls that killed us.

1st Call - Henson's Third Foul
Now, there is no debating the foul.  It was obvious.  However, the traveling violation was also obvious.  Brandon Knight got away with three clear steps and a possible fourth depending on when you determine he releases the ball.  If the proper call had been made and we gained possession on the turnover, Henson does not pick up a third foul rendering him ineffective defensively and taking away one of our strongest assets.

2nd Call - Doron Lamb Flop
With a minute to go in the first half, Doron Lamb made Greg Paulus proud with his flop charge on Harrison Barnes.  The score was 36-30 in favor of UK and we were battling back.  Without the charge, we are down four, possibly three with momentum going into halftime.  Words can not describe how bad the call was because of the flop.  I have searched for video of the flop, but I haven't seen any posted.  While Lamb undoubtedly had position, there was no contact.  Barnes pulled up for the jumper and Lamb just went down with no contact, rewarded for the flop.  Instead of being able to cut into the lead, Barnes picks up a second foul and is removed from the game to ensure he doesn't get a third in the closing seconds.

3rd Call - The No Call 
An official should call the game the same no matter how much time is left on the clock.  If he swallows his whistle, he is rewarding defense to the offense's detriment.  With 22 second left in the game, UK is up four, 73-69.  Harrison Barnes has the ball at the top of the key, gets two UK defenders to bite on a pump fake, and draws contact as he shoots a three.  There was no call.  Barnes should have had the opportunity to make it a one point game with three free throws, but no call was made.

Now, as I've said, I don't believe the officials cost us the game.  UK shot incredibly well from beyond the arc and it is a testament to our team that we were in a position to win it late in the game.  However, it is because of these three call that this loss is so difficult to take.  The other thing is the teams in the Final Four . . . .

The Dirty Two of Four

The worst past of loosing to UK is that UK is one step closer to a championship.  This isn't about us trying to catch UK's 7 National Championships.  No.  This is about UK and UConn in the Final Four, two games away from cutting down the nets.  Calipari is dirty.  He has never made it this deep into the Tournament and not had the wins later vacated.  If you cheat, you don't deserve it and Calipari is a repeat offender.  Just read the article for a reminder and this doesn't include the allegations of grade fixing levied against Bledsoe last year: 

The Sleaziest Coach in a Sleazy Game (hyperlink to story)

While Calhoune is not as bad as Calipari, he has his issues and his assists paid the price.  While the assistants fell on their swords to save Calhoune, I don't believe that Calhoune did not know what was going on:

Probe: UConn violated NCAA rules (hyperlink to story)

So now, it is up to Butler and VCU to make sure that people that operate in the gray aren't rewarded for cutting corners, but they have to play each other first.  If either UConn or UK wins the Tourney, it will ruin it for me, just like Auburn's win.

I am pulling for Butler and VCU to make it happen, but I don't know they can get it done.

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