Friday, March 18, 2011

Let's Dance

The Music Has Already Started.  

Last year at this time, it sucked.  But if I had to be completely honest, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Not because adversity builds character, you never know the sweet taste of victory without defeat, blah-blah-blah, cliche-cliche-cliche.  Nope, none of that.

Last year, I got to see a Carolina men's basketball game in Carmicheal Auditorium.

It was amazing.  It was known as one of the loudest arenas for men's basketball in the country before the Dean Dome was opened in 1986 and that night it was RE-DICK-U-LOUS!!!  Low ceiling = LOUD (all caps).  Now, I get to lord it over all Tarheel fans under the age of  ≈ 35 (minus the 6,822 that were there and some of those were Bill & Mary fans) that I saw the Tarheels win in Carmicheal.  I was witness to a trivia question and it was awesome! If you missed it, HA!

But fuck the N.I.T., LET'S DANCE

Video by coleshaw1

Lame Copyright restrictions.  Just watch the above video on YouTube.  Its worth it.  Coleshaw1 has another sweet video that you can access from here, so I posted it below.  Stupid copyright restrictions messing up my Let's Dance thing I was trying to create.  Damn it!
Video by coleshaw1

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