Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Future's So Bright, I Got To Wear Shades

If you don't know the song, check out the video at the bottom.  Nothing better than music videos from the 80's

UNC ProDay

Standing room only in the weight room for ProDay
Today is ProDay in Chapel Hill.  Our boys are doing work so they can get paid to play on Sundays!  There are at least 94 NFL personnel in attendance from all 32 teams, including 11 head coaches.

You can check out all the measurables here.

Spring Practice Updates are coming next week, but the reports have me pumped for the upcoming season!

Mickey Dee Domination, Again!

For the second year in a row, a Tar Heel brings home the MVP.  James McAdoo and P.J. Hairston put on a show in Chicago last night by leading the way in scoring and letting everyone know that the National Championship will run through Chapel Hill in 2012!  McAdoo earned East Team MVP honors, scoring 17 on 8-13 shooting with 4 boards and 2 steals.  I think he also had the most dunks in the game, unofficial stat.  Hairston was right behind him with 15 points connecting on 3-6 from beyond the arc.  No wait, not beyond the arc.  P.J. was 3-6 from NBA range and he shot it effortlessly.  Next year is going to be NASTY!!!

Both will be playing in the Jordan Brand Classic in Charlotte on April 16 if you want to see them live and in person before they get to the Hill.

Here are some highlights from the game:

Best part of the game was all Austin Rivers.  And NO!  I am not talking about that reverse lay up.  It is hard to say which I enjoyed more: (1) Rivers attempt at rapping or (2) cussing out Quinn Cook (future dook point guard) in the closing seconds of the game from the free throw line.  I looked for video of both on YouTube, but was unsuccessful - very disappointing.  Needless to say, Rivers is going to be a great dookie.  HA!

Back-up Point Guard for 2011-12? Check!

In a strange turn of events, we got a new commitment on the 29th, just hours after Roy Williams put that prospect in doubt during his radio show.  Roy said,
How confident am I about adding a point guard? Not very confident ... For us, we thought we'd have Larry, Dexter and Kendall and we don't really want to have four point guards on our team so we did not recruit a point guard. Larry leaving in the middle of the year as he did, and I think 89 of the Top 100 prospects signed in the fall, so those guys aren't available now. So we are still looking and you never can tell what we might have, but there's not anyone out there that is a McDonald's All-American kind of player that we're going to add. But we are still looking to add another point guard to have an insurance policy. I think we're working on it very hard and hopefully we'll find something.
Looks like we found something - Stilman White.  If you follow recruiting, this is not a complete shock.  Roy had been looking at White for a while now and recently determined that he is worth the scholly offer.

Stilman White is a 6'1" 170 lbs point guard out of Wilmington whose only other major offers where from BYU and Utah State.  Don't get me wrong, both are strong programs and I am especially found of Utah State because of this:

and this:

Now that is crowd participation!  The crazies don't have shit on the Aggies!  But, I digress.  If you haven't guessed it yet.  Stilman White is mormon and, as a mormon, he is going on mission for two years.  However, prior to going on his two year mission, he has decided to play ball in the Dean Dome for one year, go on mission for two, and return to Chapel Hill once his mission work is complete.  Talk about a stopgap!  

Despite the grumbling about whether or not White is a Carolina-caliber recruit, I see this as a positive.  He is injury insurance for next year and it is not certain that he would return to Chapel Hill upon completion of his mission work.  If he does, how is it a negative to have an older, more physically and emotionally mature player on the team?  Have you seen how successful BYU and Utah State are because they play grown men against teenagers?  White is a solid outside shooter and a good point guard.  In my humble opinion, it is nice work by the staff, but then the staff doesn't need or want my validation.  They have rings and banners for validation.  

Future So Bright Video
So money!

The 80's are best explained in the immortal words of Rick James, 
"Cocaine is a hell of a drug!" 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Waiting Game

Future Tar Heel and McDonald's All-American 
P.J. Hairston

Last night, Hairston completed in the Powerade Jam Fest 3-Point Contest as well as the Slam Dunk Contest at the Mickey D's All-American game.  After dominating the first round of the 3-Point Contest, Hairston looked to rush his shot and never got in sync in the finals to finish third.  I was most surprised by Hairston's performance in the Slam Dunk Contest.  Known as a shooter, Hairston was again leading heading into the final round, but was inches away for a sick behind the backboard dunk that Jay Williams thought was impossible, Hairston finished fourth (ahead of Austin Rivers).  Check out the highlights:

The Waiting Game:  April 24th

April 24th is the NBA early entry deadline and it will be here before you know it.  After all, it is only 26 days away.  So where do we stand?  Well, depending on your life perspective, the good news is that our big three are projected lottery picks. 

Whether or not to enter the NBA draft to make millions is a personal decision and the question this year is more difficult than it would be in years past for our young Tar Heels.  Sure, we would have a great shot at a National Championship if everyone comes back and all three would probably hang in perpetuity from the Rafters, but that is a year-in-and-year-out dilemma for our five-star blue chippers.  No, what makes this year's question more vexing is the impending NBA lockout.  According to Chris Mannix, an NBA Insider reporting for Sports Illustrated, on the Dan Patrick Show this morning:
"Guys are crazy to come out this year . . . .  Everyone believes that the lock out will last close to if not a full year . . . .  Unless you absolutely cannot go back to college because you never go to any classes and you are just going to flunk out anyway, I see absolutely no reason for the top talent to come out this year." 
The problem with the NBA lockout is that, while there will be a draft, no players will be paid until a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) has been reached.  Apparently, the separation between the owners and the player's union is more like a chasm than a divide.  Therefore, it is not a question of a lockout, but how long.  As a result, Mannix is of the opinion that top flight players are better served improving there skills at the college level, being coached and cared for by the University, rather than sitting out an entire season or going to Europe to play until a CBA can be reached.  Unless a player is in dire financial straits, most potential draft participants can benefit from an additional year of college.  Few have maximized their potential and can continue to develop their game with the hands on coaching that is received at the college level and not necessarily available at the professional level.

According to Chad Ford on ESPN, Barnes would go third, Henson around 14, and Zeller at 17.  The following is a synopsis of the numerous NBA scouting reports available on the World Wide Web:

(3) Harrison Barnes
Barnes has protypical size for an NBA wing at 6'8' with a 7'1" wingspan.  He is a very smooth player, who can make the game look easy at times. He has a solid perimeter jump shot, but can be streaky at times resulting in volume shooting when he is not connecting. He has a great stroke that can extend to  NBA range. He’s long and underrated for his athleticism, but is not as explosive as above-average NBA wings, making him an average defender. Barnes is very fundamentally sound, with a high basketball IQ. He’s not afraid to take the big shot, and has shown his ability to come up big at the end of games.

While Barnes can play in the NBA now, he did struggle to acclimate to the college game and it might take him longer to become effective at the higher, NBA level.  His mental toughness and work-ethic make him the closest to a sure thing there is in any draft, but he would benefit from further physical development.  He needs to add strength to finish through contact from larger defenders at the rim and in the paint. He hides this at the college level by settling for step back and fade away jumpers, but would benefit from being more assertive off the dribble.  As such, he doesn’t attack the rim as much as scouts would like, but he does have the potential to do so.  For his size, he needs to develop some sort of post game, which he hasn’t shown all year despite superior size over opponents.  

Most Common Comparison:  Paul Peirce (positive); Tracy McGrady (less-than-positive)

(14) John Henson

Henson has incredible length (6'10" with a 7'4" wingspan) and athleticism.  In addition to his length and athleticism, Henson has great quickness that enables him to be a premier shot blocker and rebounder.  He has an unorthodox offensive game that makes him difficult to defend for finesse opponents.  Additionally, Henson has begun to develop an effective outside shot that will stretch defenses if it continues to develop.  That development is an encouraging sign that he will continue to develop his game and grow as he has one of the highest ceilings of any prospect in the draft.  Henson's attitude and approach to life will make him an asset in most locker rooms as he is known as a jokester that is easy with a smile and keeps the mood light off the court, but has an edge for the competition on it.  

Henson's biggest weakness for the NBA game is his lack of strength and girth.  He is easily pushed off the block by physically mature opponents.  His lack of physical size and strength have impeded his offensive development and limit his offensive effectiveness as he is unable to create his own shot when being bodied up with NBA-size defenders at the college level and has the ball knocked out of his hands too easily by smaller guards.  He has the frame of a 3 with the skills of a 4.  Additionally, he can be careless with the basketball when dribbling in traffic and needs to improve his ball handling to become a real threat on the perimeter.  Finally, he has issues with focus at times that result in turnovers and bad plays.  
Most Common Comparison: Brandon Wright with less offense.  Danger of becoming a defensive role player if he is unable to continue to add size and improve his offensive game.  

(17) Tyler Zeller

Zeller's ability to run the floor, his soft touch around the basket and his high basketball IQ make him a solid role player prospect for the NBA.   While he will never be an impact player, he will play for a long time and be an asset to his team in limited or extended minutes.

He doesn't have the bulk, strength or toughness needed to be a full-time NBA center.  He improved his toughness over the course of the season, but never imposed it against equally-sized bigs that play physical.  

Most Common Comparison: A poor man Paul Gasol. 
As I have mentioned before, the rumors coming out the Dean Dome are that all will return.  Please know that I am just passing on the information that I have heard.  I have only met Henson and Zeller in passing and have never met Barnes.  I laid out everything that I had heard in this post: Wheels Down In Jersey.  Below is the pertinent info from that post:
The rumors coming out of the Dean Dome are that every underclassman will probably return.  While it is way too early to make a definitive statement, it is interesting that it is a common refrain from most circles including those that cover then NBA.  Chad Ford covers the NBA for ESPN, contributing mostly insider content.  In an online chat yesterday when asked about Henson and Barnes draft status, he wrote,
"Both would be lottery picks. Barnes still in the running for the No. 1 pick. The word on the street is that both are likely to return to school. However, things can change. We've seen top players in the past say they were coming back and then change their minds. But it sounds like both are pretty sincere. Another year at school would help both of them become better pros. Of the two, Barnes is more NBA ready right now[.]"
The common refrain for Henson is that he will be better served coming back one more year and developing his body as well as his offensive game with negative comparisons to Brandon Wright if he were to make the jump now.  As for Barnes, while there are areas that need improvement, e.g. ball handling and reducing turn overs, he can play in the NBA right now.  However, Barnes is on track to graduate in three years, maybe as early as two and a half, and not only is school important to Barnes, so is his legacy.  He knows what it means to win a National Championship at UNC and have your jersey hanging in the Rafters (remember I capitalize Rafters because it deserves it).  Obviously, a lot will depend on the next two weeks, but that is the word coming out of the Dean Dome and NBA circles at this point.  
So . . . .  Am I counting my chickens yet?  No, but . . . .  Do you know where the Final Four is being played next year?  New Orleans.  Do you know how many times we have won it all in New Orleans?   Two.  New Orleans has been good to us!

Can't wait to see what happens!

Monday, March 28, 2011

We Are Elite

Last night was a tough loss!


Really, really tough!!!

However, lets not forget, WE ARE ELITE!!!  Not only are we elite, the future is bright!  Our boys have nothing to hang their heads about. 

A look at the box score tells the story.  The Cats went 12 for 22 from three for 54.5%, while going 27-56 from the field for 48.2%.  TWELVE threes.  It is difficult to beat any team that hits double-digit threes.  To put it in perspective, UK has hit double digit threes seven times this year against: ETSU (13-26, 50%), BU (10-16, 62.5%) WIN (12-22, 54.5%), AU (11-26, 42.3%), LSU (10-20, 50%), SCar (11-20, 55%) and UNC (12-22, 54.5).  Not including UNC, the average margin of victory in those games as 27.17 points for Kentucky.  We lost by 7 and that includes late game fouling.  We had a chance to win it, despite UK's advantage beyond the arc.  The most striking statistic in light of the three point shooting was that each team had 27 made field goals.  The difference in this game was that 12 of those made field goals were from three for Kentucky, while only 3 were from three for us.  Nothing to hang our head about.

Without Henson to defend the rim, we had to pinch down on drivers for help defense.  You don't give up lay ups, you force the other team to shoot a lower percentage shot.  Well, typically, a three is a lower percentage shot, but not last night.  Last night, Kentucky shot 54.5% from three and we had an opportunity to win it late in the game.  Why?  Because WE ARE ELITE!!!!!

Call It

First of all, I've read a lot of complaints about the officiating of the UK game on message boards.  Stop it!  Don't let us devolve into that fan base.  In my opinion, it was a very poorly officiated game and I will be very surprised to see any of these officials in the Final Four.  However, the officials did not beat us.  Kentucky did.  Kentucky played very well and we should acknowledge that in defeat and not blame the loss on the officiating.

With that said, I would like to point out three key calls that killed us.

1st Call - Henson's Third Foul
Now, there is no debating the foul.  It was obvious.  However, the traveling violation was also obvious.  Brandon Knight got away with three clear steps and a possible fourth depending on when you determine he releases the ball.  If the proper call had been made and we gained possession on the turnover, Henson does not pick up a third foul rendering him ineffective defensively and taking away one of our strongest assets.

2nd Call - Doron Lamb Flop
With a minute to go in the first half, Doron Lamb made Greg Paulus proud with his flop charge on Harrison Barnes.  The score was 36-30 in favor of UK and we were battling back.  Without the charge, we are down four, possibly three with momentum going into halftime.  Words can not describe how bad the call was because of the flop.  I have searched for video of the flop, but I haven't seen any posted.  While Lamb undoubtedly had position, there was no contact.  Barnes pulled up for the jumper and Lamb just went down with no contact, rewarded for the flop.  Instead of being able to cut into the lead, Barnes picks up a second foul and is removed from the game to ensure he doesn't get a third in the closing seconds.

3rd Call - The No Call 
An official should call the game the same no matter how much time is left on the clock.  If he swallows his whistle, he is rewarding defense to the offense's detriment.  With 22 second left in the game, UK is up four, 73-69.  Harrison Barnes has the ball at the top of the key, gets two UK defenders to bite on a pump fake, and draws contact as he shoots a three.  There was no call.  Barnes should have had the opportunity to make it a one point game with three free throws, but no call was made.

Now, as I've said, I don't believe the officials cost us the game.  UK shot incredibly well from beyond the arc and it is a testament to our team that we were in a position to win it late in the game.  However, it is because of these three call that this loss is so difficult to take.  The other thing is the teams in the Final Four . . . .

The Dirty Two of Four

The worst past of loosing to UK is that UK is one step closer to a championship.  This isn't about us trying to catch UK's 7 National Championships.  No.  This is about UK and UConn in the Final Four, two games away from cutting down the nets.  Calipari is dirty.  He has never made it this deep into the Tournament and not had the wins later vacated.  If you cheat, you don't deserve it and Calipari is a repeat offender.  Just read the article for a reminder and this doesn't include the allegations of grade fixing levied against Bledsoe last year: 

The Sleaziest Coach in a Sleazy Game (hyperlink to story)

While Calhoune is not as bad as Calipari, he has his issues and his assists paid the price.  While the assistants fell on their swords to save Calhoune, I don't believe that Calhoune did not know what was going on:

Probe: UConn violated NCAA rules (hyperlink to story)

So now, it is up to Butler and VCU to make sure that people that operate in the gray aren't rewarded for cutting corners, but they have to play each other first.  If either UConn or UK wins the Tourney, it will ruin it for me, just like Auburn's win.

I am pulling for Butler and VCU to make it happen, but I don't know they can get it done.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Gimme Dat Shhhhh"

There Is a Reason the Golden Eagle Is Endangered

And that's why they call him Mr. Fantastic.
Thanks for playing, Marquette.

There is really no need to break this game down.  It was a nightmare match up for Marquette.  Their strengths played into our strengths.  The only way Marquette had a chance was to hit a bunch of threes.  And well, that didn't work out for them.  We played really good defense and took away everything that Marquette does well.  However, we didn't actually shoot very well, 41.9% from the field, 31.3% from three, and 66.7% from the line, but that didn't matter.  We are the better team and it showed up in every form of analytic you prefer.

Challenge Accepted MJ
Playing for Cool Greys

In Charlotte, MJ told the team that they could have whatever shoe they wanted if they made the Final Four.

I am not a sneaker-head, but the Cool Grey 11's are exclusive, expensive, and hard-to-find; therefore, they are a must have for any sneaker-head and you know we have several sneaker-heads putting in work for UNC.  Do you want to see the carrot that MJ is dangling?

Now, the only thing standing in the way of the Final Four and the Cool Grey 11 is UK, much to my chagrin.

For me, it is going to be an uncomfortable day in my house on Sunday.  As you know, I am a UNC alum and I LOVE the Tar Heels.  I am what you would call a PASSIONATE fan (capitalized).  Well, my girl went to UK . . . .  And you could say she is also a passionate fan (lower case).  Lets just say we are enjoying our company today, because tomorrow, IT IS ON!!!  Fuck it.  I will sleep on the coach for six months if it means a W and I will do it with a smile.  And I mean a shit-eating grin.  So what about the break down . . . .

Remember December 4, 2010?  Little hazy?  Want a clue?

Now do you remember?  Well, FORGET IT!  Neither one of these teams is any where close to the team that played in the Dean Dome.  We both represent two of the youngest teams in the Tournament.  We are infinitely better since that guy left our team and Kendall Marshall took over the point.  Likewise, UK is much better since Harrellson has improved his play over the season.  These two teams are much better than the teams that played back in December, so don't hang any expectations on the previous result.

Lately, I have been touting the Pomeroy Stats.  Well, Pomeroy still has us as underdogs.  The log5 title chances are Kansas 44.2%, Kentucky 16.9%, UConn 11.4%, Fla 10.6%, UNC 9.6%, Zona 4.4%, Butler 2.0%, and VCU 0.9%.  As you could guess from the log5, UK is a 58% favorite for the W on Sunday.  One problem.  These numbers are downwardly skewed because they are based on the entire season, which includes the numbers from when that "other" guy was running the point and not Kendall Marshall.  I have already talked about this number pollution in the Pomeroy numbers.  You can go back and find it if you want, but it is a fairly straight forward concept.  However, I have created some nice graphs that should put some perspective on the respective performance of each team in the NCAAT and illustrate why I think the numbers should show how we should be favored.

While you may be concerned about our lower eFG%, don't be.  Our eFG% is not that much lower than UK's, except for the Marquette game which I consider an outlier based on our clock killing second half.  Also, the way we clean the offensive glass should offset any perceived advantage UK has there.  This offset is shown visually in the PPP (points per possession, second graph) which we lead.  As we dominate the number of possessions (first graph) and lead PPP, the logical conclusion is that we will have the lead when time expires and will advance to the Final Four, despite what Ken Pom's current projections state. 

Keys to the Game

Front Court.  The biggest match up of the game in my opinion will be against the Kentucky front court.  They have less depth at that position than we do and are far less skilled.  Despite Harrellson's improvement, he is not an NBA talent.  Henson and Zeller are.  Harrellson's effectiveness comes in offensive put backs and pick and roll situations.  UK spreads the floor exposing the offensive glass, but this is something that we should be able to mitigate.  We are the best rebounding team in the country because we have size and athleticism at every position.  It is difficult to exploit match ups against us to create a favorable position on the boards.  Also, Harrellson will likely find himself in foul trouble, having to contend with Zeller, so that will suppress his aggression on the offensive glass.  Zeller is a more skilled big man than Sullinger and will put more defensive pressure on Harrellson (who still picked up two fouls in the first half of the OSU game).  Therefore, Harrellson's put back and offensive rebounds that result in a recycle possession for UK should be significantly reduced.

I expect the Henson-Jones match up to be similar to what we saw in December.  Henson's length will bother Jones and it wouldn't surprise me if Jones got into foul trouble again because of frustration . . . again.

Back Court.  There are two key match ups in the back court.

Kendall Marshall vs. DeAndre Liggins.  Following the OSU game, Liggins acknowledged that he will be defending Marshall.  This could cause Marshall some problems.  Liggins is a great defender.  He has size (6'6"), length (7'0" wing span), and quickness.  Marshall learned a lot during the ACCT Championship game, so I expect him to handle this pressure well.  Marshall has been using his body to protect the ball to get his defender on his hip to punish the aggressive ball pressure, so look for that.  If Liggins does get to him, it will be after UK's made-field goals.  If that happens, I think we will put the ball in Dex's hand to break the pressure and then let Marshall run the set once we get into the half court.  If this comes to fruition, an ancillary advantage for us will be increasing Knight's effort on the defensive end, which will effect his offensive output. 

Dexter Strickland vs. Brandon Knight.  Strickland is an All-ACC Defender despite not being acknowledged as such.  He has defended the best perimeter weapon of the opposing team all season.  Therefore, he has defended slashers off the bounce as well as shooters that run off screens.  Knight does both.  While Knight is not having a particularly great Tourney, he has been effective when it matters in the clutch.  However, I feel really comfortable with Dex's ability to limit Knight's effectiveness, which will limit what the Cats can do offensively, so UK will probably not have an opportunity for a game-winning or outcome-determining shot.

X-Factor.  Harrison Barnes will be the X-factor for us.  Three point shooting will be the X-factor for the Cats.  If Barnes can be efficient offensively, we will win, no matter how well UK shoots from the perimeter.  Last time, Liggins guarded Barnes.  This time, Liggins says he will guard Marshall.  That means either Lamb or Miller will guard Barnes and he should get some really good, clean looks.  However, if Barnes is unable to take advantage and becomes a volume shooter with UK is lighting it up from the outside with Lamb, Miller, and Liggins, we will be in trouble.

Bottom Line.  UNC will play in the Final Four by edging out UK in a tight game that does not come down to the last possession.  UK will have a false sense of confidence resulting from the previous two point loss at the Dean Dome in December during a point in the season when they struggled on the road and because they are riding a nine game win streak.  However, UNC has the mettle, skill, size, and match up advantage over UK, Carolina 78-73.  Show me the Cool Grey 11s. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

UNC Clef Hangers "Blue and White" Swag Video

JCole + UNC Clef Hangers =

UNC Swag!!!

Check Out This dookie

No time for a post tomorrow, so I thought I would throw up some dook hate.  It always puts a smile on my face! 

Advanced Virginity!  Hilarious, but they might have got it wrong about Andre Dawkins . . . .  Not even the co-eds at dook should want to add Andre Dawkins to their fuck list after being a willing participant in the below video. (and click the"fuck list" hyperlink if you don't know what the fuck list is)

Best Part?  Tie between two.

(1)  The intro says "dook proudly presents."  Proudly?


(2)  Its not "[d]raw me in my ice."  Or "[a]nd only my ice."  Or even, '[h]ey yo 'Dre, tell me when this looks right."  Nope.  Best part! "Head down."


Literally, tears of laughter!


Wheels Down in Jersey

Tweet of the Day

Keith Marshall
UNC practice was live

Keith Marshall is a Scout 5* running back beast from Raleigh.  Would love to see Marshall lined up in the Tarheel backfield.  Check out the film. 
One word: RE-DONK-U-LOUS!

As I've said before, most football posts are being held until after basketball season.  It is just so hard not to write about it because I am so pumped!  Since we decided to play big boy football, hiring Butch Davis and upgrading the facilities and Kenan Stadium, UNC is on the way to becoming a dominant force in college football.  Get your popcorn, this season is going to be fun! 

Good Reads of the Day 
(Marquette and Buzz Williams Related)

On Monday, I introduced Ken Pom.  I have been following him for a couple of years, but now the country is paying attention.  The New York Times just did this write up about him, Meteorologist Becomes Go To Guy.  Not only is it a good read, but it talks about Marquette's Buzz Williams and his use of these advance stats as well as Synergy in game planning.  Article will give you getter respect for Buzz Williams and Brad Stevens.  Also, Pom has been tweeting the likelihood of a win for a team based on his advanced stats during games for the Tournament.  If you are interested, his twitter name is under the pic. 

If you haven't figured it out by now despite me actually writing this previously, I really like Buzz Williams.  He is a GREAT coach.  This article by Gary Parrish, Breaking down Holloway leads to Marquette baffling Xavier, really demonstrates how prepared Buzz is and, therefore, how well his team is.  Note, UNC is not a team that you can prepare for like Xavier.  We have balanced scoring and a free form offense.  Translation, while everyone has tendencies and I might really like Buzz Williams and his preparation, you can't gameplan us as easily as you can most teams in the NCAA.  Everyone knows what we are going to do.  The question is, can you stop us?  The Elite Eight is on the horizon!  GO HEELS!!!

Coaches as characters in the Godfather.  While Roy Williams doesn't make an appearance, it is entertaining. 

Age Ain't Nothing But A Number
Random "One More Day Until We Play" Thoughts

Last night, our guys landed in Jersey after over two and half hours on the tarmac in Raleigh.  Weather in Newark delayed the flight.  Only the Sweet 16 is worth leaving this weather for the snow they have in Jersey right now.  Despite the weather, Strickland is pumped about being at home.

Dexter Strickland
Wheels down in Jersey!..Home Sweet Home!!

Dex is a guy that is just now starting to get the credit and media attention he deserves.  All I have to say is FINALLY!  There is more to winning than putting the ball in the basket!  Glad he gets to play in front of friends and family this weekend.

WARNING:  The next few sentences are going to be ridiculously premature.  Please skip ahead to the next paragraph where it says "START HERE" if you are not interested in speculation on the NBA draft.  The rumors coming out of the Dean Dome are that every underclassman will probably return.  While it is way too early to make a definitive statement, it is interesting that it is a common refrain from most circles including those that cover then NBA.  Chad Ford covers the NBA for ESPN, contributing mostly insider content.  In an online chat yesterday when asked about Henson and Barnes draft status, he wrote,
"Both would be lottery picks. Barnes still in the running for the No. 1 pick. The word on the street is that both are likely to return to school. However, things can change. We've seen top players in the past say they were coming back and then change their minds. But it sounds like both are pretty sincere. Another year at school would help both of them become better pros. Of the two, Barnes is more NBA ready right now[.]"
The common refrain for Henson is that he will be better served coming back one more year and developing his body as well as his offensive game with negative comparisons to Brandon Wright if he were to make the jump now.  As for Barnes, while there are areas that need improvement, e.g. ball handling and reducing turn overs, he can play in the NBA right now.  However, Barnes is on track to graduate in three years, maybe as early as two and a half, and not only is school important to Barnes, so is his legacy.  He knows what it means to win a National Championship at UNC and have your jersey hanging in the Rafters (remember I capitalize Rafters because it deserves it).  Obviously, a lot will depend on the next two weeks, but that is the word coming out of the Dean Dome and NBA circles at this point.  

START HERE.  One of the most interguing things about the Heels this year is how young they are.  I always knew we were a young team, but Sports Illustrated produced some pretty interesting graphs for a Sweet 16 power ranking article (UNC was 7) that really put it into perspective.  WE ARE YOUNG.

This is not a surprise.  Knox is our only scholarship senior.  Roy has said it many times and I will repeat again here, Knox has been a "Godsend."  He brings an attitude, maturity, and toughness that we really needed.  Zeller and Henson have really benefited from Knox's presence, but he averages 14.5 mpg on the season and 10.6 mpg over the last five.  Therefore, the results of the graph are not surprising.  What struck me was the next graph. 

This is the graph that put it in perspective for me.  You could say that sometimes I am a visual learner and it took this graph for me to have an Ah-Ha moment.  We are extremely young . . . and successful.  We are the youngest team in the Sweet 16.  Younger than even Kentucky.  Let me repeat, YOUNGER THAN KENTUCKY.

It is good to be a Tarheel.  Realizing that some might have skipped the warning paragraph, I will pose this question.  How good are we going to be as this team matures?

Between football and basketball, I am smiling ear-to-ear.  
Found this online and had to work it in.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don't like My Girls in Sneakers, Prefer TarrrrHeels

UNC Clef Hangers "Blue and White"
(black and yellow remix)

"To all the folks out there, that haven't got a clue, just know the sky's the limit.  Carolina Blue"

Tweet of the Day
Tar Heel Monthly
Uh-oh: Marquette guard is Wakefield (Raleigh) product, calls playing a "life story."

No More HATE 4 Christian Laettner
Just Very, Very Strong Dislike

Christian Laettner, a douche's douche
I have ALWAYS HATED Christian Laettner.  And I mean, H-A-T-E!!!  Beyond the Carolina-dook dynamic, I have had a couple of opportunities to meet him.  Not like at a bar or socially, but at events like the ACC Tournament or a charity basketball game.   Laettner always came off as, oh how should I say this, a pretentious douche that even pretentious douches think is a pretentious douche.  Well, as of today, I no longer hate him.  I merely dislike him . . .  very, very strongly. 

I was listening to the Dan Patrick Show today and Dan Patrick drops this question on Laettner,
With your [basketball] academy, do you teach the kids how to fake charges, how to take fake a charge?
His response was very solid. With a light laugh, he said,
No. I don't because I hate that. 
Then he went on to talk about the Charge Award (What am I doing? That shouldn't be capitalized!) charge award (Yeah.  That's better.) at dook, which is a team award given to the player that takes the most charges.  Blah, blah, blah.  Hate, hate, hate.  I expect such things from K.  Next, he advocated for the charge circle in college basketball, which wasn't enough to alleviate the hate, but a step in the right direction.  But then, the tide changed. With what he said next, if Laettner isn't careful, he will never be allowed back in Hansbrough Indoor. 
They give them those calls at dook.  But once they get to the ACC Tournament and the NCAA Tournament, they get less and less charges. 
Well first of all, WHALES VAGINA.  If you read my blog, I would hope most of you get this reference, but just in case:

Second, Laettner must have been too busy to watch the 2011 ACCT Championship game.  And FUCK Karl Hess!  Let me remind you!

Best Thing Said By An Announcer in 2011: "Was there contract?"  
I think we all know the answer to that one. 

Sorry.  Its hard to stop hating after decades of loathing.  Just like anyone with an addiction issue, the first step is admitting you have a problem.  He admitted hating the fake charges.  The next step is forgiveness. Well Christian, I'm waiting . . . .

If nothing else, one in seven dookies just responded in dismay to Laettner's comments about dook getting the b.s. calls.  You have to love the language.  "Give them those calls at dook."  Love it.  The other six dookies don't even know enough about basketball to know what a traveling violation is, much less a real charge.

Duck Fook, but I no longer hate Christian Laettner.  I just really, really dislike him.

Looking At the Rest of the Bracket

Yesterday, I talked about Marquette.  If you missed it, check it out.  Last night, I was cruising ESPN and I came across this article from Andy Katz, Golden Eagles take advantage of matchups.  Check out what Katz had to say:
The Golden Eagles' toughness has defined Williams' tenure at Marquette. And if they beat North Carolina, it will be because Marquette won the 50-50 plays and competed on the offensive backboard. Johnson-Odom loves to bring up the fact that this is a collection of a number of junior college players who aren't expected to be in this position. 
All I have to say is, great minds.  Great minds.

Looking at the rest of the bracket, it makes me sad.  Its not the fact that I missed the perfect Sweet 16.  Its not the fact that my bracket is currently ranked in 47.8% nationwide.  In my defense, I am 90% with 62 pts in ESPN's Round by Round Pick'em.

First reason I am sad is because I think that dook will make it to the Final Four.  I didn't have a lot of faith in UConn to start the Tourney because, historically, a team that plays four or more games in the Big East Tournament doesn't make it out of the first weekend of the Big Dance.  Now, UConn is my second favorite team in the Tourney.  SDSU doesn't have a chance against dook.  They will get buzz sawed if that ends up being the match up in the Elite Eight.  Kemba Walker, on the other hand, can get it done.  He will get the calls against dook's "I dare you to call every foul" . . . I mean aggressive ball pressure defense.  Duck Fook!  GO UConn!!!

For the record, I am not scared of dook in the Final Four.  I just don't want dook to have any success, much less another Final Four appearance.  

The second reason I am sad is because Kansas has an easy road to the Final Four as well.  There is just something about Kansas that Roy trips over.  If we make it to the Championship game, I don't want to play Kansas.  Period!

My Sweet 16 Picks

#3 Connecticut (26-9) vs.
#2 San Diego State (32-2)

#3 Brigham Young (30-4) vs.
#2 Florida (26-7) 

#5 Arizona (27-7) vs.
#1 Duke (30-4) 

#8 Butler (23-9) vs.
#4 Wisconsin (23-8)

#11 Marquette (20-14) vs.
#2 North Carolina (26-7) 

#12 Richmond (27-7) vs.
#1 Kansas (32-2) 

#4 Kentucky (25-8) vs.
#1 Ohio State (32-2) 

#11 Virginia Commonwealth (24-11) vs.
#10 Florida State (21-10) 

That's right.  Straight chalk, except UConn.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Marqu - ette Down

Get it?  Marqu - ette Down like Mark It Down.  Yeah, I know.  I stretching . . . . 
Tweets of the Day - John Henson Edition
Love that Henson is supporting the women's basketball and gymnastic team.  #TarHeelNation
John Henson

John Henson

Congrats @ and @ for being ACC champs. ...yet no love in the DTH ! @ wassup with that!!
John Henson

Twitter national champs..! Lol ! RT @ proof that UNC basketball owns Twitter: Go HEELS. GoAMERICA.
How the Big East Proves 
That the BCS Is Bull Shit

The thing about the NCAA Tournament is that it so sharply contrasts the BCS system.  Heading into the Tournament, the Big East was the undisputed best basketball conference in the country.  Following the first weekend of the Big Dance, only two of eleven remain standing.  Have I mentioned how much I love Charles Barkley's commentary on the NCAA Tournament?  Well, I'm going to let Chuck take it away to help my point about the "Itty Bitty Least."

Because these games are played, the Big East has been exposed as overrated.  Charles Barkley said it at the beginning of the tournament and people laughed.  He was mocked.  Well, he was right.

The perception of the Big East was founded in pre-Conference play.  I believe this perception creates a network effect that augments reality.  The media sees a conference as dominate because of the early season play or the perceived historical strength of a conference and talks about its greatness, failing to account for the growth of teams from other conferences throughout the season.  As more people latch onto this idea, the value of that conference continues to grow until it becomes fact, when it is nothing more than an idea.  The only way for the idea to become fact is to settle it on a field of play.  There is a reason these games are played and the outcomes not determined by statisticians and talking heads.  That is what the NCAA Tournament does, it tests the idea.  It does not eliminate perspective candidates until only two remain and then allow those two to play it out.  Unfortunately, the BCS does do this and, worst yet, people defend it.

Consider for a moment that a system similar to the BCS was employed for basketball.  There are five (5) BCS Bowl games: (1) BCS National Championship Game, (2) Rose Bowl, (3) Sugar Bowl, (4) Orange Bowl, and (5) Fiesta Bowl.  Instead of an elimination tournament, there would be one game to determine the National Champion and then four other trophy games.  The perceived best two teams would play for the National Championship.

I am going to keep it simple and ignore the automatic qualifier issues and only include the top ten basketball teams according to the ranks established by the NCAA Tournament Selection Committee.  Let me explain.  The Selection Committee ranks the number one seeds.  As such, each has an opposing number two seed that would be ranked in a snake like fashion so that the number one overall seed would be paired with the fourth two seed (or 8 seed overall) and first three seed (ninth overall).  Based on a best vs. next best scenario, the outcome would look like this.

Just seeing it laid out like this, it is ridiculous.  Could you imagine the basketball National Champion be determined in this fashion?  The "strongest" basketball conference is not even represented in the championship game, but should it be?  The Big East represents 30% of the top ten, yet none of those teams will be playing this weekend.  Guess the Big Least wasn't that strong after all.  The idea that the Big East was the strongest basketball conference was tested and it failed, miserably.  

This is my one of my biggest issues with the BCS.  (You can read about the other here.)  Before there has even been a Spring Game played on any campus, I can guarantee you that an SEC team will play for the National Championship.  The idea is that the SEC is the best football conference in the country and to suggest otherwise will call your judgment into question (just like Chuck).  What is there to substantiate that "fact?"  If you suggest that because the last five national champions came out of the SEC as proof, then you are making an illogical argument.  The system is flawed so the outcome of the system cannot be used to substantiate its effect.

If you look at SEC schedules, the out of conference scheduling is pathetic at best.  The only games that are even remotely challenging are natural rivalries, e.g. FSU vs UF.  Otherwise, they get to rest on their laurels because "the SEC schedule is tough enough."  Bullshit.  How do you really know how strong that schedule is if they don't collectively play anyone.  Also, if they are so dominant, why did the SEC only finish with a .500 Bowl record last season.  Sure, they had the most teams with ten, but that just means more opportunities to demonstrate their dominance.  The ACC had nine teams in Bowl games and finished with one less win than the SEC.  Does that make the ACC the second best football conference?

Is SEC football like Big East basketball?  I don't know, but I do know that the notion that the SEC is the best football conference in the country is an idea.  And that idea does not get tested.  We need a playoff.  Not statisticans, talking heads, and coaches creating and relying on perception to decide who deserves the right to play for a National Championship.  College is the only level of football where the champion is determined by one game outside the regular season.  The NFL has a playoff.  High schools have playoffs.  The BCS is an EPIC FAILURE!  Just because it exists, doesn't mean it should.

Matt Hinton recently wrote a great article discussing a college playoff.  The article is linked and worth the read.  While I don't agree with all of his ideas for the playoff (especially about Notre Dame), it is the soundest I've seen.  Below is the brackets for his proposal as well as the proposed 2010 outcome. 

The 2010 bracket, using the final BCS standings of the regular season, would have shaken out like so:
Automatic Bids:
• Auburn (SEC Champion)
Oregon (Pac-10 Champion)
TCU (At-large; ranked in Top 4)
Stanford (At-large; ranked in Top 4)
Wisconsin (Big Ten Champion)
• Oklahoma (Big 12 Champion)
Virginia Tech (ACC Champion)
Connecticut (Big East Champion)
At-Large Bids: Ohio State, Arkansas.
First-Round Byes:
• Auburn (No. 1 Overall)
• Oregon (No. 2 Overall)
• TCU (Ranked in Top 4)
• Stanford (Ranked in Top 4)
• Wisconsin (Big Six Champion)
• Oklahoma (Big Six Champion)
NOTE: Virginia Tech and UConn would not earn first-round byes as Big Six champions, because a) They were replaced by TCU and Stanford, at-large teams ranked in the top four in the BCS standings; and b) Both finished ranked outside of the top 12, forfeiting their bye, anyway.
Home Games:
• First Round: Virginia Tech (ranked Big 6 champion), Ohio State (highest-ranked remaining at-large).
• Second Round: Auburn (No. 1), Oregon (No. 2), Wisconsin (Big Six champion), Oklahoma (Big Six champion).
• UConn would not receive a home game, even in the first round, because it finished unranked in the final BCS standings.
Or, in convenient bracket form (seeds based on final BCS standings, and assuming for the sake of convenience that the higher-seeded team wins each game):

Obviously, Hinton is automatically advancing the highest rated team for illustration purposes, but who is to say that Auburn beats Stanford or Oregon beats TCU?  Well,  we will never know . . . . 

The Only Known Avian Predator of the 
Golden Eagle is the Black Falcon

The best place to start with a team like Marquette is its head coach, Buzz Williams.  I really like Buzz and wish he was in the ACC.  Check him out:

Much like the team itself, Buzz Williams worked from the bottom up to get to Marquette. The Golden Eagles have several guys that made it to D-I basketball by working their way up through the JUCO levels. This team takes its toughness and perseverance from their coach and that makes them a dangerous team who can beat anyone in the country once.  To put it simply, Marquette is an EFFORT TEAM (all caps).

"Can't be purdy.  This ain't a beauty contest."

Defensively, Marquette is probably going to vary their looks between man and a match up zone.  You can expect a high energy defensive effort that puts pressure on the ball.  Over the last five games, Marquette is averaging 7.2 steals a game and easy transition baskets is where they make a living.  We have been playing much better against the zone and have faced more athletic ball pressure, so we should be able to impose our will over Marquette if we stay focused.  The tallest Golden Eagle that gets significant minutes is 6'7" so they will double the post.  This should get some open looks for Barnes and McDonald for jumpers as well as open up opportunities for Henson and Zeller to dump off to cutters for high percentage lay ups.  As they won't be able to out athlete us, our ability to score and run should concern Marquette fans.  You heard Buzz.  They aren't any good taking the ball out of the basket.

Offensively, Marquette is going to need to hit 3s.  Lately, they have been shooting very well beyond the arc, hitting more than 40% in four of the last five games.  Not coincidentally, they won those four games and lost the fifth.  To be competitive, Marquette will need to at least connect on five or more threes (while shooting +40%) to keep pace with our scoring and to open up the driving lanes for their slashers.  This is a tough match up for Marquette because they would prefer to push the pace, not like Washington, but they do want to play up tempo.  Unfortunately, they know they can't run with us, so you can expect them to pick their spots to run.  The other tough prospect for them is the offensive glass.  Like most effort teams, they like to crash the boards for second opportunities with their guards.  Do they stay with this strategy and expose themselves to our fast break run-outs?  Let's just say, I am glad I am not Buzz.  

Players to Watch:
Darius Johnson Odom
Johnson Odom is a 6'2" guard from Raleigh, North Carolina that can fill up the every column of the stat sheet.  He is the leader of Marquette.  As he goes, they go.  He must play well if the Golden Eagles are going to make a run at the Elite Eight.

 Jimmy Butler
Butler is a 6'7" combo that impacts every game.  He is a player that helps his team win, even if it doesn't show up with gaudy numbers in the box score.

Jae Crowder
Crowder is in his first year at Marquette after two years playing JUCO ball.  While he is only 6'6", he plays much bigger and is always around the ball off the glass.  He can score and rebound.  While he doesn't start, he plays starter's minutes and will be on the court making plays at the end of the game.

The best way to describe Marquette is that they are Virginia Tech with more heart and better coaching.  Buzz Williams is taking a page out of Dean Smith's play book and emphasizing the underdog role with his team.  As such, you can expect these guys to fight and fight hard for every 50/50 ball and we will need to win that battle to get the W.  If they want it more than we do, it will show up there and then on the score board.  This is a dangerous team; however, if we give them the attention they deserve and the effort that is required, we will be moving on to the Elite Eight.

Carolina 78-71 over Marquette.